Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Layer Seperation / Test Plan

The plan of the site has been finished, where my system is overlayed onto the entire site.

The system now has been morphed according to the elements onsite which will remain.
A breakdown of each underlying system layer has been shown. The idea being from this system, which is open to interpretation, having the ability to potentially hold different unknown functions and be flexible in a way which it can deal with programmatic situations, movement, enviromental conditions and very importantly the ability to be applied to a different scale and still hold the same spatial qualities

The plan shows an intiail plan to which the strength lines have been expanded to a volume depth according to the distance from the neighbouring line.
Similar rules on the connections concerning height and width need to be pulled out and refined to produce a system which can meet the demands potentially forced upon it

Thursday, 12 November 2009

1:500 Site test

Shows the first complete site iteration of pattern 01

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Model:Morphed strip on site

Complete site strip: 1 of 5 from group

Strong lines in system have been pulled out

Closer area of the model

The strong lines are cut at a set of level 1 or 2 making strips of double or single height which are sliced out of the plane and pivoted to another point of a plane on a neighbouring plane

A primary surface needs to be added and thought of next so that the system is not just met on a flat plane but a changing surface which creates variations of spatial conditions

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Pattern Breakdown of morphed system

Full pattern with un-seperated layers

Layer with triangles filled / unfilled can be seen as mass / volume with variation in size and distance apart

Layer shows secondary potential movement after the long sides of neighbouring triangles meet to create a polygon, in-turn creating more around and inbetween

Original underlying hexagon system which creates triangles between as a accident of the tiling system

Next step is to test the physical model by building by layers and then seeing what potential spaces and situation arise and then taking the best and merging them

Multi-triagnle morph option

The option which has been shown is through the use of multiple triangles and different sizes and orientations, with different colours for visual contrast.

The way in which the pattern system has been morphed is through a boundary stretch line, whereby the pattern has influences from e.g. existing buildings and is then morphed away from the building first horizontally and then vertically which distorts the original straight lines into the appearence of a curved or organic origin but is actually controlled.